Take this survey regarding Confederate street names in Fayetteville


I am a senior at Whitewater High School, and I am currently enrolled in the course AP Research.

This class is part of a two-year program in which students learn how to effectively analyze and conduct research. The objective of AP Research is to allow students to conduct their own research and record it in a college-level paper.

The current stage I am at in my research is collecting data relating to my research question. My research question asks:

“To what extent do Confederate street names in Fayetteville, Georgia contribute to historical preservation?”

In order to collect information on this topic, I am conducting a survey intended for adults (18+) in Fayette County, Georgia.

If you are interested in participating in this survey, please see the link below.

I appreciate the time and effort you put forth in order to benefit my research.

Click here to participate in the survey (you will be asked to sign into Google Docs).

Thank you,

A. Richmond

Fayetteville, Ga.