Imker announces run for mayor of Peachtree City


Last week I filed my “Declaration of Intention to Accept Campaign Contributions” for mayor of Peachtree City.

The election is in 2021 but it’s never too early. This is the first step towards that goal.

My top three issues are fiscal responsibility with our tax dollars, traffic solutions and land use.

I have the proven experience and know-how on making sure our tax dollars are wisely spent. Nobody can come close to my fiscal acumen and making sure the citizens know how their tax dollars are being spent, i.e., transparency.

We need solutions now for our traffic concerns, especially on Ga. Highway 54 during the morning and evening commute as well as lunch time backups. Reducing left in/left out turns that cause traffic to stop is one part of the solution. Eliminating certain other left in/left outs altogether is another. Eliminating whole traffic light(s) is yet another. Perhaps integrating this scheme with implementation only during certain rush hour traffic times could be another solution. There’s so much action to consider but nothing is getting done right now.

One of the most useless efforts to “help” traffic on Hwy. 54 is the total waste of spending $9 million on “fixing” the intersection at Hwys. 54/74. How many times must we tell everyone, “This is not the problem. The problem is all the traffic lights to the west of that intersection,” that causes backups into the 54/74 intersection. We need to stop this complete waste of $9 million and get the state to invest it in an alternate/bypass route from Fayetteville to Coweta County.

Our land use issues continue with never ending rezoning of our industrial land to residential. This has to stop and stop now. There’s still time to save what’s left but we need new council members, of which the mayor is one of five votes, to do it.

So there you have it, the top three issues confronting our next mayor: fiscal responsibility, traffic, and land use. There are many more issues but space is limited. I am up to the task and prepared to take this city to the next level of Live, Work, Play and Stay in the best community in the country, the world, if I may say so myself.

I have run in four different elections and have never accepted a contribution. I wanted to let citizens know I would never be beholden to anyone on decisions I would make while serving.

It was pointed out to me after the last election that I should go ahead and accept contributions because they create a “connection” to the candidate that encourages them want to help. I can still keep my independence while voting on issues like I had in the past. I now agree.

So this time I am accepting contributions. Checks only to “Eric Imker” please. My address is easily looked up. Transparency is vital. All contributions will be documented for anyone to see. Plus, I will personally match, dollar for dollar every contribution. A $25 contribution means $50. A $50 contribution means $100. Even a $1,000 contribution means $2,000. I will do this up to $10,000.

Finally, know that I am always eager to talk to folks who are unaware of Peachtree City and all it has to offer. I mention we have about 35,000 residents located 20 miles south of Atlanta. Of course I mention the 100 miles of golf cart paths and how most homes have a golf cart. I talk about our three beautiful lakes and our three championship golf courses. I mention our amphitheater which hosts celebrity names. I mention our world class tennis center.

I mention we have superior senior activities and then make sure to mention this is not a senior community like you hear about in Florida. We have an international airport (emergency alternate for ATL), a thriving industrial park, elementary and middle schools, and parks galore. I can continue for quite a while, like saying we have the only high school in the world where the kids go to school on golf carts.

Indeed, I am proud of Peachtree City. I would be honored and grateful if you will support me for Mayor of Peachtree City in November 2021. Please see my Facebook page, Eric Imker.

Eric Imker

Peachtree City, Ga.


  1. Interesting. Very odd, but certainly interesting.

    I think it would be better to register your ambition to be mayor as a campaign organization so contributors would benefit from those rules and protections. The matching idea is cute, but not workable when it is the candidate funding the match. Much better to have someone influential to do the match – and have it regulated by some rules. Talk to Bob Lenox, Doug Warner, Jim Strickland, Jim Pace, Scott Bradshaw, Vickie Turner, Matt Ramsey, Bob Truitt, Eric Maxwell, anyone currently (or recently) on city council or planning commission or any real mover and shaker and get them to be the matching donator. Then regular people might contribute.

    Of course those contributions will only occur if your message is relevant and so far it is. Your top 3 happens to be my top 3 and I suspect those are the top 3 for many people. Add responsible redevelopment under the land use tab and I’m all in.

    True enough, the diverging diamond is really a cool way to spend $9million, sort of a traffic engineer’s damp dream. Of course it won’t work when we zoom thru 54/74 going west and run into 5 or 6 traffic lights, but I think DOT is running that show and any new rookie PTC mayor in 2021 won’t have the clout to change that. And you can’t expect the county to help you – even if you get Eric Maxwell on your bandwagon. So, it is best that you don’t overpromise the pipe dream of stopping the DOT plan. And the “bypass” idea? That conjures up ideas about TDK extension into (or from) Coweta. No thanks. It’s campaign suicide.

    Other than that – you da man!

    • Robert W. Morgan, Imker , Fleisch and Learnard refused to increase DAPC funding from $35,000 a year. Then they started giving the FCDA a $149,000 a year will for which we have gotten nothing.

      City government cannot do development work. They have no development authority power.

      Yes, we have areas that need redevelopment. The city can’t do it.

      DAPC needs to be restored and use the $149,000 to fund them them.

      • I was talking to Eric about his becoming a successful mayor, something you may be unfamiliar with. But since you feel the need to butt in, my answer is:

        Au Contrare Donny. The city does indeed do (meaning regulate) redevelopment. My comment urged “responsible redevelopment” which has absolutely nothing to do with the city or county development authority. What it does have to do with is private developer’s getting control of a property that contains old, outdated, obsolete improvements – could be houses or a shopping center or apartments. Then that developer presents a plan which eliminates the old property improvements, relocates the occupants if that is needed and replaces it with something new. Not only something new, but something useful, something needed, something better.

        Then and only then does city council get involved during or after planning commission to approve or disapprove the private developer’s plan. Responsible redevelopment means city council and everyone else (led by the mayor) ensures the city is being made better by this redevelopment plan. This requires leadership, compromise and a willingness to not be a butt about density. Redevelopment of most areas will require an increase in density and probably vertical development – just know it and manage it. That’s enough for you Donny.

        Back to Eric, I’m sorry about the interruption. I’m sure you understand my meaning and appreciate my limited support and helpful suggestions. Good luck.