Understanding Medicare workshop set for Peachtree City Library Sept. 26


Peachtree City Library will host a workshop entitled Understanding Medicare, on Thursday, September 26.

There are two sessions available: 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Due to early voting for the Georgia House District 71 runoff, the event will be held in the Community Room in the Planning & Zoning Department next door to the library’s back entrance.

Benefits are some of the biggest worries of today’s retirees. Individuals depend on personal savings and Medicare to cover healthcare expenses, which can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars during retirement.

Understanding Medicare will cover the following topics:

• Medicare Eligibility

• Original Medicare Parts A & B

• Medicare Advantage (Part C)

• Prescription Drug Coverage (Part D)

• Medicare Supplements

• Enrollment Periods and more

Independent broker agent Megan Sheridan-Byrom will present the workshop in conjunction with certified financial planner Ray Dunlap.

The workshop is free and open to the public. Register online at http://ptcmedicare.eventbrite.com.