Connect with other women in September


Joy Griffin.

Want to get out to have some fun, worship, and connect with other women? The Women’s Ministry Team from Peachtree City United Methodist Church invites you to join us Sept. 21 at 6:30 p.m. for our “Barefoot & Beautiful” event. Our evening will open with music by our Children’s Choir followed by worship music led by Heather Allen.

Then over coffee and desserts, our internationally acclaimed speaker, Joy Griffin will share  about beautiful feet that share the good news of Christ’s love.

Griffin serves with the International Leadership Institute,, in Carrollton, Georgia. Befitting her name, she shares the message of hope with contagious joy and high energy. Joy has spoken in over 50 countries teaching about leadership and intimacy with God. We invite all women to attend and bring a friend to this uplifting event.

Tickets are $10 and available through the Church’s website at

Free childcare and scholarships are available with advance registration.

The “Barefoot & Beautiful” event will take place in the Church’s newly completed Contemporary Worship Center.

PTCUMC has been serving our community and the world for over 40 years. Based on a strategy of “Worship, Grow and Serve”, we exist to help people connect with our risen Lord. Traditional Worship is held Sundays at 9:30  a.m.followed by Contemporary Worship at 11a.m.. All are welcome! PTCUMC is located at 225 Robinson Road.