5 Fayette schools to graduate 1,697 seniors this week

The valedictorians and salutatorians representing the Fayette County School System for the 2017-2018 school year include: front row, from left, Fayette County High School Valedictorian Christin Tran and Salutatorian Rachel Gomes; second row, from left, Whitewater High School Valedictorian Sean Fish and Salutatorian Sasha Sutcavage; third row, from left, Sandy Creek High School Valedictorian Anna Bridgeman and Salutatorian Gabrielle Schweinfurth; fourth row, from left, McIntosh High School Valedictorian Grace Erlinger and Salutatorian Daniella Hass; and fifth row, from left, Starr’s Mill High School Valedictorian Elena Warnecke and Salutatorian Colin Kelly. Photo/Ben Nelms.
The valedictorians and salutatorians representing the Fayette County School System for the 2017-2018 school year include: front row, from left, Fayette County High School Valedictorian Christin Tran and Salutatorian Rachel Gomes; second row, from left, Whitewater High School Valedictorian Sean Fish and Salutatorian Sasha Sutcavage; third row, from left, Sandy Creek High School Valedictorian Anna Bridgeman and Salutatorian Gabrielle Schweinfurth; fourth row, from left, McIntosh High School Valedictorian Grace Erlinger and Salutatorian Daniella Hass; and fifth row, from left, Starr’s Mill High School Valedictorian Elena Warnecke and Salutatorian Colin Kelly. Photo/Ben Nelms.

Rain may dampen Fayette high schools’ graduation ceremonies Friday


Be prepared to change your graduation night plans, courtesy of the weather forecast.

“Current weather forecasts are predicting rain for this Friday, which also happens to be graduation day. All of our high schools are aware of the forecasts, and are monitoring the weather situation closely,” Melinda Berry-Dreisbach, spokesperson for the Fayette County Board of Education, said in a news release Wednesday.

“Each high school will determine how to handle its graduation ceremony, and will communicate this information directly with parents and students through Infinite Campus and their individual school websites.

“Guests planning to attend one of the graduation ceremonies should consult the school websites for accurate information regarding any changes due to weather,” she said.

Above, Fayette’s best ready to turn their tassels — The valedictorians and salutatorians representing the Fayette County School System for the 2017-2018 school year include: front row, from left, Fayette County High School Valedictorian Christin Tran and Salutatorian Rachel Gomes; second row, from left, Whitewater High School Valedictorian Sean Fish and Salutatorian Sasha Sutcavage; third row, from left, Sandy Creek High School Valedictorian Anna Bridgeman and Salutatorian Gabrielle Schweinfurth; fourth row, from left, McIntosh High School Valedictorian Grace Erlinger and Salutatorian Daniella Hass; and fifth row, from left, Starr’s Mill High School Valedictorian Elena Warnecke and Salutatorian Colin Kelly. Photo/Ben Nelms.

The Fayette County School System’s graduating class of 2018 will be front and center for graduation ceremonies at the county’s five high schools on May 25 where 1,697 graduates will receive their diplomas.

Listed below by school is information on the number of graduates and the total scholarship awards.

All graduations ceremonies will be held at the respective schools on May 25 at 7 p.m., which may change due to forecast rainy weather.

The Fayette County High School graduation ceremony will be held at the stadium in Fayetteville. In case of inclement weather, the ceremony will be moved inside if needed.

The FCHS graduating class is expected to include 318 seniors, with 267 planning to enroll in post-secondary education. FCHS students received more than $4 million in scholarships, excluding HOPE.

The McIntosh High School graduation ceremony will be held at the stadium, with inclement weather plans calling for a Saturday morning ceremony at 10 a.m.

The McIntosh graduation class is expected to include 401 seniors. McIntosh students received $3.814 million in scholarships, excluding HOPE.

The Whitewater High School graduation ceremony will be held at the stadium, with inclement weather plans noting a Saturday ceremony at 10 a.m.

The Whitewater graduating class is expected to include 385 seniors, with 327 planning to enroll in post-secondary education. Whitewater students received $4.6 million in scholarships, excluding HOPE.

The Sandy Creek High School graduation ceremony will be held at the stadium, with inclement weather plans calling for a Saturday ceremony.

The Sandy Creek graduating class is expected to include 261 seniors. Sandy Creek students received $5.04 million in scholarships, excluding HOPE.

The Starr’s Mill High School graduation ceremony will be held at the stadium, with inclement weather plans calling for a Saturday ceremony at 10 a.m.

The Starr’s Mill graduating class is expected to include 332 seniors, with 313 expected to pursue post-secondary education. Starr’s Mill students received $5.521 in scholarships, excluding HOPE.