Foundation grant to help veterans


The Heritage Community Foundation presented a grant May 24 to United Way regional director Shane Persaud and county engagement director Betsy Brown. The $500 grant will be used to purchase gas cards for Henry County veterans.

In addition, Vets Connect in Henry County has the opportunity via a private donor to the Regional Commission on Homelessness to double its fundraising efforts through a matching grant program. Therefore, the $500 HCF grant will be doubled so that $1,000 is used for the purchase of gas cards. The cards will allow veterans and their families to access referral services, travel for medical treatment, or relocate, if necessary.

Vets Connect in Henry County provides the support and services that homeless veterans need to get off the streets into permanent housing, and on a path to the American dream. Over the past year, veterans have been connected to the Vets Connect program via City Hall (primarily McDonough and Hampton), American Legion, Marine Corps League, Vets4Vets, and 2-1-1. Once contact is made with local United Way volunteers and staff, the veteran and his or her family needs are assessed and veteran status is verified. After those steps are completed, hotels are contacted for immediate placement and ready-made meals boxes are delivered. Vets Connect then provides case management services combined with rapid re-housing services for the veterans.

In addition to providing the grant, the Heritage Community Foundation introduced Vets Connect in Henry County to Vance McCutcheon, Vice President/CFO of United Food Force, Inc. United Food Force, also a recent HCF grant recipient, is a non-profit hunger relief organization located in McDonough. They are currently serving more than 300 non-profit organizations weekly by providing food products and other household goods to community outreach programs, shelters, and food pantries. Through the newly formed partnership with Vets Connect in Henry County, United Food Force will help with the food-related needs of veterans in Henry County.

For more information on how to apply for a grant with Heritage Community Foundation, make a donation or volunteer, visit or contact executive director Rocky Davis at 770-478-8881.