Residents give thumbs up to police and fire


The results of the 2016 Citizen Satisfaction Survey conducted by Peachtree City are in. Results talled opinions by residents on issues such as satisfaction with city services, the feeling of safety, services and amenities for older residents, top quality of life components and how residents receive news about services, activities and events.

A total of 962 people responded to the survey that ran from March 7-21 and was advertised on multiple venues.

A sampling of citizens’ satisfaction with city services showed 10 percent were very satisfied with path paving and maintenance while 40 percent were somewhat satisfied and 26 percent were somewhat dissatisfied. Not everyone taking the survey responded to each question.

The survey showed that 89 percent of respondents were either satisfied or very satisfied with the police department, 91 percent were satisfied or very satisfied with the fire department, 83 percent were satisfied or very satisfied with the library and 64 percent were satisfied or very satisfied with code enforcement.

On the question of feeling safe in the city, 97 percent said they felt very safe or somewhat safe from crime in their home or neighborhood, 93 percent felt they were very safe or somewhat safe from crime in shopping areas, 88 percent felt very safe or somewhat safe from crime on paths and 72 percent felt very safe or somewhat safe from accidents on paths.

On the question of services, amenities and features needed for older residents, the largest percentage of respondents, totaling 53.6 percent, said leisure activities were most needed. Transportation needs were cited by 35.9 percent of respondents while volunteer opportunities were cited by 33.9 percent of people responding.

Another topic looked at the top components for “quality of life,” with respondents asked to identify the top four of 13 categories. Receiving the highest mark was low crime at 87.5 percent, followed by the path system at 63.4 percent, schools at 58.8 percent, low traffic at 53.6 percent and natural beauty at 40.5 percent.

Asked how they received information on city services, activities, events and local issues, 63 percent said they frequently got the information from the Peachtree City Updates reports issued by the city. Fifty percent of respondents frequently received that information from local print newspapers, 25 percent said the information came from frequent use of local news websites and 43 percent said they frequently received the information by way of social media. Virtually none of respondents frequently received information by attending meetings or watching online.

The section had eight categories for response. It was obvious from the responses that many taking the survey received city information from multiple sources

In terms of respondents to the survey, Peachtree City has approximately 25,000 residents ages 18 and older. Of those, 962 took the survey, which also included a small number of people from other communities who frequent Peachtree City.

A more detailed look at the survey will be available in the April 13 edition of The Citizen.

The survey and those taken in 2011 and 2013 can be viewed on the city’s website at