Civitan club has big year


Smiles, smiles, more smiles, and a few tears of joy filled the air as the Line Creek Civitan Club of Peachtree City celebrated the end to another year of fellowship, service and knowledge during their annual meeting and recognition dinner.

‘Happiness Invades Peachtree City” served as a correlating theme to the 2014-2015 Civitan International President’s theme “I’m Civitan Happy.”

Several club members were recognized for the leadership efforts serving on the board of directors during the 2013-2014 fiscal year, including immediate past president Nancy Joslin and the newly installed president, Mike Lossner along with the 2014-15 Governor for Georgia, Linda Lane.

The Outstanding Civitan of the Year honor went to treasurer Julia Ivey.

Those members installed as officers for the 2014-2015 include: Mike Losner, president; Debbie Rader-Clanton, president-elect; Bryan Price, secretary; Julia Ivey, treasurer; Chuck Clanton, chaplain, Steve Kiser, sergeant at arms; Will Griffin, David Joslin, Wayne Howell and Louise Thompson as directors.

The Line Creek Civitan Club is hosting a special membership drive in celebration of the new Civitan year. Potential new members may request membership into the club after attending their first meeting. The organization meets on the first and third Thursday of each month at the Peachtree United Methodist Church at 225 Robinson Road in Peachtree City. You may contact any member for information or view the website at

The club is very active in our local community with the Great Chili Challenge, the Leave No One Behind golf tournament, among many other events. The Line Creek Civitan Club held a cook-out in July to celebrate its 10th year anniversary serving Fayette County and the state of Georgia together.

The Line Creek Civitan Club, Inc. is active in community projects in Peachtree City and the surrounding area. The Club is a IRS 501(c)4 civic organization and a Georgia nonprofit corporation. The Georgia District Civitan Foundation, Inc. is a IRC501(c)3 charitable organization and a Georgia nonprofit corporation.

Civitan’s motto is “Builders of Good Citizenship.” This is accomplished through a volunteer organization of clubs dedicated to serving individual and community needs, keeping focused on improving the lives of people with developmental disabilities. The three basic principles of Civitan (Service, Knowledge and Fellowship) are essential to fulfilling the Civitan mission and the role of a Civitan club in a community.

Civitan clubs are also involved in a variety of community service and fundraising projects, however, our most widely recognized fundraiser program is the Civitan Candy Box Project. The Candy Box Project is serviced by volunteers, and 100 percent of the net proceeds go to benefit people with MR/DD.

For more information, contact the Line Creek Civitan representatives listed above at 678-561-6473 or 770-716-0571. You may also contact the Civitan International Public Relations Department at 1-800-CIVITAN, ext.134.

The club invites you to visit the websites for the Line Creek Civitan Club at

Civitan International at or Civitan International Research Center at