Fayette County 4-Hers show ‘horse sense’


Eight Fayette County 4-H’ers competed in the State 4-H Horse Quiz Bowl Competition on Saturday, January 26th in Monroe, GA. The Senior team was comprised of Stephanie Clark, Sarah Kruelen, Hannah Schindewolf, and Elisabeth Yeager. The Junior team of Ashlynn Eisele, Isabella Mitchell, Molly Lovell, and Myisha Wright placed 5th out of 33 teams. Both teams did an expert job of answering questions and showing their knowledge. In the double elimination style quiz bowl, 4-H members learn not only equine science related subject matter, but the valuable skills of contributing to a group effort, teamwork, learning to learn, critical thinking, planning, organization, cooperating, and communicating. The 4-H’ers learn material from 5 textbooks of information, on subjects such as horse anatomy, breed history, and nutrition. The team was coached by 4-H Program Assistant Jennifer Schindewolf. She attended the competition with 4-H volunteers Jeffrey Yeager and Judy Wright and 4-H Agent April Nasworthy. For more information on the Fayette County Horse Club or other 4-H activities, contact the Fayette County Cooperative Extension Office at 770-305-5412 or visit our website at www.uga.caes.edu/extension/fayette.