SCHS shows skills at state fair


SkillsUSA students at Sandy Creek High proved once again that they are champions, bringing home four top 10 wins from the Champions Rally held at the Georgia National Fair in Perry.

The school’s SkillsUSA chapter won first place in “Chapter T-shirt Design” for the second consecutive year, fifth place in “Chapter Recruitment Display,” eighth place in “Chapter Recruitment Poster Design,” and sixth place in “Overall Chapter Rankings.”

The students competed against more than 1,600 others from 70 chapters around the state. In addition to competitive events, participants also attended a workshop about making good choices and working to achieve their life goals.

Industry partner Cooper Lighting lends support to Sandy Creek’s chapter throughout the year and was instrumental in helping the students achieve success the Champions Rally, according to Jeff Dykes, sponsor and graphic communications teacher, and Addie Davis, chapter president and state treasurer.

SkillsUSA is a national nonprofit organization of students, teachers and industry, working together to ensure America has a skilled work force. SkillsUSA helps high school and college students enrolled in career and technical education programs to excel by teaching employability skills such as communication, problem solving and leadership in conjunction with their trade, technical and service occupations skills.