Fayette Community Church plans all-day event for ‘conspiracy’ Honduras fund-raiser


Fayette community Church has partnered with Advent Conspiracy to raise money to provide a well for a village in Honduras.
This Saturday, Dec. 12, FCC will host an indoor yard sale, free child care, pictures with Santa, $5 haircuts, and a live music festival, featuring Zerubbabel, Chelsea Boyd, Jason Gridley, Renegade Jane, Drew Wilmesherr, and House of Thomas, to raise awareness regarding the world water crisis. The goal is to serve the community, help others spend less, and give more to those in need of clean water.
The Advent Conspiracy is a grassroots movement with more than 1,000 churches in 17 countries participating as co-conspirators with projects as varied as drilling a water well for those who lack access to clean water or simply encouraging congregations to think of meaningful acts of kindness as meaningful gift options to replace traditional gifts.
It began with the goal of celebrating Christmas by spending less, giving more, worshiping fully and loving all.Last year, through Advent conspiracy, $3 million was raised for relief projects which included providing clean water and medical attention to communities around the world.
This year, Advent Conspiracy anticipates that individuals and churches will match last year’s commitment to charitable gifts and will make a lasting impact in communities around the world.
For more info about Advent Conspiracy, visit www.adventconspiracy.org. For more information about Fayette Community Church, visit www.fayettecommunitychurch.com.