Fayette BoE schedules 2 public hearings on school closures


The potential closing of up to four Fayette County public schools and the need to get input from parents will be the topic of two public hearings scheduled during February.

The Fayette County Board of Education on Jan. 28 agreed to hold the public hearings on Feb. 14 and Feb. 25. Both meetings will be held at 7 p.m. at the 900-seat Sams Auditorium in Fayetteville.

Interim Superintendent Dan Colwell said their purpose will be to provide public discussion on his recommendation to close Brooks Elementary School, Fayetteville Intermediate School, Tyrone Elementary School and Fayette Middle School.

As for the format that will be used at the public hearings, Colwell said it is currently undetermined, though that information will be forthcoming.

Meantime, the school system’s redistricting committee is continuing to meet. The school board’s March 18 regular meeting will include the final presentation from the redistricting committee. It will be at that meeting that the school board will be asked for a final vote on school closures, Colwell said.

Colwell said current plans call for detailed maps of the school attendance zones to be produced soon and located at the Lafayette Education Center so that those interested can view the attendance area for specific schools. Preliminary maps are available online at www.TheCitizen.com.