Oak Grove flexes their fraction expertise

Students in Natalie Whitson’s 5th grade class at Oak Grove Elementary have been working on dividing fractions through the use of algorithms, models, and games.

Oak Grove Elementary thrives on finding new ways to reinforce their knowledge. Students in Natalie Whitson’s 5th grade class have been working hard to solidify their understanding of dividing fractions through the use of algorithms, models, and games.

To practice dividing unit fractions by whole numbers, students were presented with real world problems, and they had to set up an equation and use a model to solve the equation. After the lesson, during small group time, students completed a math game with a partner to practice dividing unit fractions by whole numbers.

“I hope that they are able to take what they learned in math and apply it to real world situations in their daily life,” said Whitson. “I also hope that they have a true understanding of this concept so that they can build upon it in middle school when they go more in-depth with fraction division.”

— Provided by the Fayette County School System.