The power of a name:The ABCs of Jesus


The power of a name:The ABCs of Jesus

Several years ago, some members of our Sunday School class were having trouble choosing a girl’s name for their soon-to-be-born first child. They were driving through the north side of Atlanta one afternoon and passed “Melody Lane” and said, “That’s it!”

The baby was a she and her name became Melody Lane. Thank goodness they didn’t pass Honeysuckle Circle.      

Instead of random street signs, some parents name their kids after sought-after cars, expensive perfumes, or popular drinks. Brand-name babies have been tagged with Chanel, Porsche, Armani, Fanta, Pepsi, and Evian. You always wanted a Lexus? Just name your daughter Alexus (not Alexis, but A-Lexus). Or, to get more creative, Lexxus (two x’s).

Then there are the entrepreneurial parents who have attempted to sell the naming rights to their baby. They have advertised on Ebay the opportunity to name their baby for a price.

For instance, several years ago, Ryan and Jami Hawkins, of Goshen, Indiana, auctioned off the rights to name their first child’s middle name to help with hospital expenses. The winning bidder could choose any name that was appropriate as long as they met the minimum bid of $8,000. They got some interest, but no bids came close to the minimum requirement.

Another couple offered to auction off the name of their baby to any business that would meet their asking price of $500,000. Their child would be a life-long walking advertisement for a corporation or product.

When the angel appeared to Mary and told her she would be mother to the Messiah, he said, “Behold, you shall conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus.” (Luke 1:31). He told her how great Jesus would be. And Jesus is great. His coming is the reason for our Christmas celebration, and as we celebrate His birth, we should also celebrate His greatness.

          Jesus said, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the first and the last” (The Revelation 22:13). In Greek, Alpha is the first letter and Omega is the last letter. Jesus was saying that He is sufficient. He is all we need from A to Z!

Jesus is our Alpha, our Adonai, Advocate, the Almighty, the Author and Finisher of our faith.

He is the Babe of Bethlehem, the Bridegroom, the Bread of life, the Bright and Morning Star.

He is the Christ, the Creator, the Cornerstone, the Counselor, the Chosen One, the Chief Shepherd.

He is the Door, the Daystar, our Delight and Deliverer.

Jesus is Emmanuel, the Exalted One, from Everlasting to Everlasting.

He is the First Fruits of the Resurrection, the Fountain of life, the Foundation of the church, the Friend of sinners.

He is God, our Guide, the Good Shepherd, the Great Physician.

He is our Hope, our Help, our Healer, our High Priest.

He is the great I Am, our Inheritance, the Immortal, Invisible One.

He is our Joy, our Justifier.

He is the King of Kings, the King of Glory.

Jesus is the Lord, the Life, the Love, the Light of the world, the Living Water, the Lamb of God.

He is the Messiah, the Master, the Mediator, the Messenger, the Man of Sorrows.

He is the Nazarene, the New Wine, the New Covenant, the Name that is above every name.

He is the Omega, our Offering for sin, the Only begotten of the Father.

He is the Prophet, the Priest, our Passover, the Propitiation for our sin, the Prince of Peace.

He is the Quieter of the storms of life.

He is the Redeemer, the Refuge, the Refiner, the Rose of Sharon, the Resurrection and the Life.

He is the Savior, the Shepherd, the Suffering Servant, the Son of God.

He is the Truth, and our Teacher.

He is the Unblemished Lamb of God.

He is the Vine, the Vicarious Sacrifice, the Victor over the grave.

He is the Way, the Word made flesh, the Witness, the Water of life, our Wonderful Counselor.

He is the Expected Messiah of the Old Testament and the Exalted Lord of the New Testament.

He is our Yokefellow and Yesterday, Today and Forevermore.

Jesus is Zion’s Holy King.


 David L. Chancey is pastor of McDonough  Road Baptist Church, Fayetteville, Ga. The church family gathers at 352 McDonough Road and invites you to join them this Sunday for Bible study at 9:45 a.m. and worship at 10:55 a.m. Visit them on the web at