Police academy registration nears


The Fayetteville Police Department is pleased to announce the seventh annual “Citizens Police Academy”.

The academy will be held every Tuesday from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. beginning September 5 and ending October 24.

The program combines both classroom training and hands on experience in the following areas: firearms training, defensive tactics, patrol functions, criminal investigations, evidence and crime scene processing, domestic violence, K-9, courts, gang and drug awareness. All classes are taught by veteran police officers.

Candidates must pass a background check with no felony convictions. Anyone is encouraged to apply but Fayetteville citizens will be given preference.

All graduates will have the opportunity to conduct “ride-alongs” with officers and participate in the Fayetteville Auxiliary Force.

Applications for the CPA can be obtained at the Fayetteville Police Department or on the Fayetteville Police Department Face Book page.

The deadline for applications is August 1. If you have any questions, please contact Officer Leslie Fluegeman at 770-719-4295.