Foundation gives grant to Project Lead The Way


The Heritage Community Foundation awarded a $4,000 grant to the Fayette County Education Foundation to support the Fayette County School System’s Project Lead the Way schools.

Project Lead the Way provides programs for students in grades K-12 that help them develop in-demand, transportable skills, such as problem solving, critical and creative thinking, collaboration, and communication, that they will use both in school and for the rest of their lives on any career path they take. Fayette County Schools is the only system in the state to have the program at all school levels, elementary, middle and high.

Through the grant, the Fayette County Education Foundation will award $500 to each of the school system’s eight Project Lead the Way elementary schools. The Foundation awarded the funds based on the need of the schools. The schools receiving the grant are Crabapple Lane Elementary, Fayetteville Elementary, Huddleston Elementary, Inman Elementary, Kedron Elementary, Sara Harp Minter Elementary, North Fayette Elementary, and Spring Hill Elementary.

“We are extremely grateful for the Heritage Community Foundation for funding the grant for Project Lead the Way. The funds will help our schools purchase the materials they need to continue implementation of the program,” said Melinda Berry-Dreisbach, public information specialist for the school system and treasurer of the Fayette County Education Foundation.     

The Fayette County Education Foundation is a nonprofit organization that solely supports the students and educators of the Fayette County School System by providing monetary assistance for programs and materials that enhance teaching and learning. The all-volunteer board meets monthly at the Fayette County Board of Education. For more information, please visit the Foundation’s website:

The Heritage Community Foundation of Heritage Bank provides funding to local nonprofit organizations within the Southern Crescent of Atlanta, specifically Clayton, Henry and Fayette counties. Employees of Heritage Bank are the primary contributors to the Foundation, and because the bank absorbs all operating costs, 100 percent of the funds raised go directly to community needs.

Pictured, from left: Rick Lindsey, Dan Vano, Mark Henderson, Judy Chambers, Mike Maxwell, Sheri Dockweiler, Kay Franklin, Angie Meredith, Marion Key, Roxanne Rogers, Tony Ferguson, and Debra Redding.