Fayette SPLOST renewal wins nearly 3-to-1


Fayette County voters — or slightly under 7% of them — cast ballots culminating on March 21 Election Day and gave the green light to a renewed 1-cent SPLOST collection. That will mean an additional $210 million dollars to be spent by local governments in Fayette County over the next six years.

The final vote tally Tuesday night across all 36 voting precincts was 4,259 YES votes (73%) to 1,524 NO votes (26%). That represents 6.61% of the total Fayette registered voters — 87,535.

The estimated total to be produced over the six years of the penny Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax is $210 million. The newly approved SPLOST will start being collected beginning June 1, 2023, following the expiration of the previous SPLOST authorized in 2017.

Even with the newly renewed SPLOST, Fayette’s total sales tax will remain at 7%, seven cents on every dollar of retail sales.

That will be divided among the Fayette County government and four municipalities as follows:

• Fayette County — $94.7 million

• Peachtree City — $67.4 million

• Fayetteville — $33.4 million

• Tyrone — $13.5 million

• Brooks — $1 million


  1. By the way all you pickle ball fans I bet the courts will get done way before the cart paths get repaired. Politicians love sexy stuff you can put a name on. They can’t be troubled with just making sure you can get there.