FCHS Army JROTC helps 100 Christmas Angels

The Fayette County High Army JROTC teamed up with teachers and staff at the school to fulfill 100 wishes on The Salvation Army Angel Tree. 1SG Anthony Bell Sr. M.S.Ed and Cadet Battalion Commander Briyana Wheeler with the school’s donations.

Fayette County High is helping making the world around them a brighter place. Continuing a tradition nearly a decade old, the Fayette County High Army JROTC led a drive benefitting The Salvation Army Angel Tree.

The Salvation Army Angel Tree program provides new clothing and toys to more than 1 million children in need each year. Once a child is accepted as an Angel, donors shop for their Christmas wish list. Once the gifts are received, The Salvation Army distributes them to families for Christmas morning.

The JROTC teamed up with teachers and staff at the school to fulfill 100 wishes on The Salvation Army Angel Tree.