McIntosh’s Routon named TAPP Teacher of the Year

McIntosh High’s Tyler Routon is the 2022 TAPP Teacher of the Year, named the region’s winner by Griffin RESA at the graduation ceremony celebrating this year’s class of 165 teacher-interns.

 McIntosh High’s Tyler Routon is the 2022 TAPP Teacher of the Year.

Routon, a special education teacher, was named the region’s winner by Griffin RESA at the graduation ceremony celebrating this year’s class of 165 teacher-interns.

The Georgia Teacher Alternative Preparation Program (Georgia TAPP) is a classroom-based teacher preparation option for individuals who have the basic qualifications to teach early childhood, middle-grades, secondary, or P-12 education but have not completed a teacher preparation program. It is an alternative option for individuals who hold a bachelor’s degree or higher, and it is used to address teacher shortage issues or fill high-need areas. Georgia TAPP equips teacher candidates with the skills to ensure initial success in their classrooms and puts in place a supervised candidateship/induction program that will help them move toward subsequent mastery of teaching.