Olympics transport Oak Grove to ancient Greece

Oak Grove Greek Olympics
While learning about Greek civilization, Oak Grove Elementary 2nd grade enrichment students participated in the ancient Olympics Games.

It was a celebration for the ages as Oak Grove Elementary was transported way back to ancient Greece. While learning about Greek civilization, 2nd grade enrichment students participated in the ancient Olympics Games.

To get in the spirit, students wore togas and competed in Olympic-themed events. Events athletic in nature included javelin throwing, discus, and chariot races. Events emphasizing appreciation of the arts included wrestling with words by doing tongue twisters and “boxing” by memorizing items in a box.

“I hope students took away a memorable learning experience,” said enrichment teacher Heather Price. “Hopefully, they will always remember this Olympic experience in connection to the Ancient Greeks.”


  1. Athletic competition in the Ancient Greek Olympics was limited to men, who completed completely naked. No togas. Married women were banned at the games upon penalty of death. Women had their own games (running) held during the festival that worshipped the Goddess Hera.