Inman tries to catch a leprechaun


The crafty 2nd graders at Inman Elementary were determined to catch a leprechaun for St. Patrick’s Day, and they created some cool traps to get the job done.

Students were challenged to make a design plan that listed materials, trap operations/functionality, and create an illustration of their design. They also wrote a narrative piece on how they planned on “catching a leprechaun” with their creation. Students then worked with their families to build their traps and bring their designs to life. They set up their traps in anticipation of the big day, hoping to catch a little green fellow.

Unfortunately, on St. Patrick’s Day, students arrived to find their classroom was destroyed, all of their “loot” was taken, and they did not catch a leprechaun.

“We were still very proud of our traps,” said 2nd grade teacher Emily Burns. “I hoped students and their families would have fun doing a STEAM project together. I loved seeing our class sharing all of their ideas during their individual demonstrations. The ultimate takeaway was teaching them their BIG ideas can become a reality.”

— Provided by the Fayette County School System.