Fayette Master Gardener Association meet in January

Photo credit: Dan Nelson, Photographer

Naturalist and environmental expert Rose Guerra will speak on “Oh Deer All about

Georgia’s state mammal – the White-Tailed Deer” Tuesday, Jan. 21, at 10 a.m.

at the Fayette Master Gardener Association (FMGA) meeting. The public is invited to

the meeting at The Bridge Community Center, located at 225 Willow Bend Road in

Peachtree City, and to the social time at 9:30 a.m.  A business meeting is set for 11 a.m.

The wildlife education expert holds a Master Birder Certificate with experience as an outreach speaker and bird walk leader with the Georgia Audubon Society, field trip leader and naturalist with the Dunwoody Nature Center, canoe guide for the Chattahoochee Nature Center, and is a certified Boy Scout Merit Badge Counselor. She is also a public speaker with the Georgia Bat Working Group and a Georgia State Certified Mushroom Forager.

FMGA is a non-profit gardening group that includes master gardeners and others interested in gardening. Members do not have to be certified master gardeners, but many are. The group meets monthly from August through May for horticultural emphasis presentations and hosts an annual plant sale.

Proceeds from this event support Fayette non-profit community horticultural projects and a college scholarship for Fayette residents majoring in horticulture or agriculture.

For more information, visit www.fayettemga.org or email [email protected],