54-74 intersection changes to be aired at GDOT town hall meeting April 16

Aerial view of the Hwy. 54-74 intersection. Photo/Ga. DOT.
Aerial view of the Hwy. 54-74 intersection. Photo/Ga. DOT.

The big changes coming in the next couple of years to Peachtree City’s busiest intersection will be previewed April 16 by the Georgia Department of Transportation.

The town hall question and answer session hosted by GDOT and Peachtree City government will be held in the auditorium of Evergreen Church, 400 Windgate Rd., at 6:30 p.m.

Preliminary work has begun on the roadside rights of way at the intersection of Ga. highways 54 and 74, mainly tree cutting and brush clearing.

The project will see the installation of displaced left turns off Hwy. 74 onto Hwy. 54. Questions about what that all means will be answered by GDOT officials at the meeting next Tuesday night. The public is invited to the free meeting.


  1. Unfortunately a lot of money will be spent and a lot of time wasted in construction traffic, with little improvement. Hwy 54&74 traffic is a regional problem, not a local one. It is hard to believe that in reality there is but ONE road that runs completely through and entire county, how short sighted….. Yes 7 traffic lights in about a mile or so is of no help (that is LOCAL shortsighted planning). Its time to take a regional approach to the problem and have Coweta, Tyrone, Fairburn shoulder some of the problem (responsibility) of the problem of 54&74, after all THEY are the ones creating the problem!
    If you don’t believe me look at the traffic at 54&74 between the hours of 21:00 and 06:00. Big difference

  2. I live off McDuff. The rumor circling here are the DOT plans to remove the speed bumps (as part of the 54/74 project), and install 2 traffic lights along the road. One closer to the train overpass, another closer to 54. The projected fire station slated to be installed just off the bridge by the county/PTC will warrant removal of speed bumps, for obvious reasons. Also, slated is the reconfiguration of the Hwy74 and I-85 interchange into a cloverleaf. This is to include adding another lane in both directions from Hwy54/74 to I-85 thru Fayette county where it enters Fairburn/Fulton.
    If this is all true, I would imagine we are in for a longhaul of traffic headaches. I see mcDuff becoming another Fayette county busy road like all the rest.

  3. I am not worried about the intersection. I am worried about the stretch from the intersection to the county line. There is so much more to fix that doesn’t begin at 54/74. I will be curious to see if the DOT is looking for remedies to make that little stretch more efficient. Who knows, maybe this will be a silver bullet?

    • The inept choices and management on the part of Peachtree City leadership …along with the rubber stamp of the state …are the sole reasons this impossible traffic hellhole has happened. The 54/74 traffic mess is simply the collateral damage created by the current infamous stretch of Hwy 54. To add insult to injury, the potential bypass to most of this nightmare, the use of MacDuff Pkwy, has been stymied in true Peachtree City fashion by loading it with school zone speed limits, speed tables and stop signs. Instead of facing the reality of how this road could have been effectively purposed and built, PTC doubled down on stupid.

      The state is going to spend a boatload of our tax money, create months of addition traffic headaches and, when it’s all done, have accomplished the sum total of nothing. Unless and until the 54 “Highway from Hell” is addressed and made functional through effective traffic controls and a viable bypass, “fixing” the 54/74 intersection will be a waste of time, effort and money.

  4. It’s too late to impact the design that was useful 8 or more years ago. This is too little too late.

    Typical government both state and PTC!

    So let’s be thankful for the scraps thrown to us but remember to vote! Vote out the lovers of urban sprawl – yes that is you Ms. Mayor.

  5. Hopefully there’ll be good attendance with questions submitted beforehand. I know many folks don’t think the displaced left turn project will alleviate East West traffic but I’d like to hear what other ideas are being considered. But NOT any talk about an extension of TDK which the Council is on record as opposing.