Volunteers, donations sought for Fayette Samaritans


If you are a person or an organization that has an interest in helping others in their time of need, then you need to know more about the Fayette Samaritans and how it functions to accomplish this very thing. You may even wish to have a part in this.

Fayette Samaritans was started in 1991 by 11 Fayette County churches that saw a need for a central charitable organization for feeding, clothing and providing assistance to residents in crisis. It was organized as a 501-c-3 charity.

Today there are more than 35 churches giving support plus support by individuals and other organizations. The operations are handled completely by volunteers giving a minimum of 4 hours of service each week. No payroll!

The amount of assistance that Fayette Samaritans is able to help clients with is strictly determined by the quantity of food, clothing financial donations received. Clients are interviewed to determine if they are eligible for assistance and what their needs are at the current time.

Volunteers work in the Front Office performing the reception, interviewing and record keeping. There are also volunteers working in the Clothes Closet receiving donations, sorting, shelving and assisting clients with their clothing needs. Other volunteers work in the Food Pantry receiving donations, sorting, shelving and preparing orders.

Officers are elected annually by the Board of Trustees made up of representatives from member churches.

Donations and volunteers are always needed.  The office is located at 126 Hickory Road behind the Fayetteville Christian Church and is open from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Monday through Friday except for holidays.

Financial donations may be made to P.O. Box 1071, Fayetteville, GA, 30214.