Candidate Painter’s  focus is on fixing his and his neighborhood’s problem


At the recent Peachtree City Council candidate forum, one candidate cited his concern about traffic cutting through Planterra to avoid the 54/74 intersection.

While the candidate has lived there four years, this problem has existed at least the entire twenty years I have lived in Peachtree City.

That candidate, Vic Painter, has spoken in general terms at two city council meetings. He has not presented a preferred solution, but there is one “on the table” in Peachtree City.

Some residents have indicated they want a private gate at the back of Planterra. This gate would close at certain points of the day and would keep anyone from being able to cut through Planterra subdivision at Kelly Drive.

That sounds great for Planterra residents, but it will force more traffic in PTC to the already disastrous 54/74 intersection.

It’s unknown if the turn lane into Planterra off Highway 54 may overflow, further adding to the traffic disaster. Unfortunately, the candidate has chosen to not explain his solution publicly.

The benefit to the candidate is clear, as well as to some of his Planterra neighbors. However, I wonder if this solution benefits most of Peachtree City.

This is concerning after we already experienced a city council person who sought to close a cart path near her house. Now we have someone running for council who wants to make the public roads by his house private. I’m not sure that’s better.

Our mayor has announced that there will be construction next year on a potential improvement to the 54/74 intersection. With that construction, we can expect the GPS to find alternates. It’s reasonable to suppose that traffic down MacDuff Parkway will increase, even with our speed mountains.

Will the neighborhoods off MacDuff be protected with a gate? After all, we have three golf cart crossings at grade across MacDuff. It’s reasonable to assume there will be a safety risk. Are the MacDuff citizens not as worthy of safety?

Vic Painter talked about wanting to attract businesses to Peachtree City, but given that many of our large employers have a substantial portion of their employees who are not residents, how can these businesses attract and retain employees when he seeks to make the nighttime commute worse?

Peachtree City can’t afford to make decisions and spend money on a project that only benefits a few, but would furthermore cause a traffic nightmare for the rest of us.

We need people who seek to serve the public and not seek personal benefit from public service and are transparent in their plans and intentions.

Neil Sullivan

Peachtree City, Ga.


  1. The point that “annoyedvet” clearly misses is that the Planterra HOA does not own the streets in the neighborhood…. they were built and are maintained by taxpayer dollars. Who pays for the gate is not germane to the conversation – the issue is having public property (and access) converted to private ownership for the benefit of a few at the detriment of the many. Now, if Planterra would like to purchase the streets in their neighborhood from the taxpayers, that is another story. Back of the envelope averages for constructing one mile of paved road is one million dollars. Planterra has what… 6 to 8 miles of streets? Let the negotiating begin.

    • Except it won’t be private. Everyone is welcome to come in by the Tennis center. It cannot be private when 24/7, 365 days a year anyone can drive in. Let’s not pretend that limiting one means of access – while not adding any restrictions on the other – represent a real privatization effort. Golf carts will still be able to come in both as well.

      Who is really harmed here? Besides folks who want to cry “muh public roads” while ignoring there is nothing but 3-5 extra minutes of driving separating you from access to a neighborhood.

      If anything, the use of city owned and maintained streets will be net cheaper as the level of traffic currently in Planterra is way above design intent, causing early wear and tear. Removing commuter traffic from a residential street will extend the life, and allow the city to focus resources elsewhere.

    • If I am correct, and I believe I am, City Council already approved transferring the “right of way” for a “gate” on Kelly Drive, to the Planterra Homeowners Association (HOA). Also, if I am correct, and I believe I am, those who make our local politics their business, should know this and thus making all the fuss about the gate a mute point. Now, if a candidate takes the position of revoking the City Council’s approval to transfer the right of way, I will certainly consider supporting that candidate.

  2. As long as they own and pay for all the road maintenance it seems fair. But, like past councils that allowed Plantera to be created in a planned industrial zone and flight path(which is a huge risk to life), we have again been saddled with a bad decision that will last forever.

    This is why elections are so important. Painter is a poor choice, just like a realtor was a poor choice in Fleisch and a slick talking politician like Learnard was a poor choice. Suzanne Brown and Laura Johnson are purr only hope of stopping the rapid urbanization Learnard had planned for us.

  3. The gate request has predated this election by years. It will cost the city effectively nothing, it’s already been discussed and reviewed in city council meetings. Nobody showed up in opposition.

    Who supports commuter traffic on residential streets? Do we need to wait for a kid to be injured or worse before doing something?

    The neighborhood will remain open to the public at the north entrance during the limited time non neighborhood traffic can enter on Kelly Drive. How is protecting a neighborhood – and the kids – from cut through traffic from commuters going to another county/city controversial?

    This is the exact scenario a city council should be used for! The HOA is paying for everything related to the construction and maintenance of the gate, that’s in record at a city council meeting.

    Any other neighborhood is welcome to form an HOA or join their board, advocate for themselves, go to city council meetings and do what’s best for their families. Suggesting anything less is simply undemocratic.

    Doesn’t seem like the author is interested in facts, just a hater. This is a big nothing burger.

    • “Nobody showed up in opposition,” is not factually true. I expressed my opposition to our Honorable Mayor and City Council and have retained a copy of that expression. I have family in the Planterra neighborhood and do want denied access to them. However, I did not participate in a City Council meeting along with a seemingly unending line of parents and children complaining about the traffic.

      • Ok, Doug. I’ll stand corrected. Now what’s your case?

        Please detail how this would negatively impact anyone. Who needs to be cutting through a residential neighborhood when there are two state highways with traffic lights nearby? What’s so bad about protecting children from speeding trucks and making someone drive around to the other entrance? Come watch Terrane Ridge from 4:30 – 5:30 and tell me that we shouldn’t do anything about it.

        What’s stopping anyone from going to the Tennis Center to enter the neighborhood?

        • My position is:

          1. Sacrifice the Terrane Ridge and Planterra Way right of ways, both collector streets, to vehicular traffic. Building residential housing along the Terrane Ridge and Planterra Way right of ways did a disservice to the “village” and City. They indirectly provided affordable (due to the frequent ownership turnovers) housing while compromising the safety of the residents along the connectors’ right of ways.

          2. Install three-way “Stop signs” with cameras at each street intersection along Terrane Ridge and Planterra Way, from Kelly Green to Crown Court.

          3. Prohibit holiday type decoration placements from the collector streets’ curbs to 12 and one-half feet away from the curbs.

          4. Enforce golf cart prohibitions to operating golf carts on streets where multipurpose paths are readily available.

          5. Deputize certain Planterra Ridge resident-citizens to enforce non-Planterra Ridge traffic restrictions. The HOA should vet and nominate deputies, while the City Council completes the nominated deputy vetting and selection process.

          6. Seek State legislative action to prohibit commercial entities from purchasing properties along the connector streets and leasing the properties to private entities for dwelling purposes..

          6. When the houses along the connector streets remain vacant for seven years, condem the properties and contribute the properties to the Planterra Ridge HOA.

          Many residents purchased the properties along Terrane Ridge and Planterra Way because they were affordable. We accomodated them and in doing so, reduced the desireability of living in Peachtree City.

          • Good thoughts Doug. My point is more about a thought out plan that affects all residents. If the 18,000 number is real and not Planterra effected, how will the entire city be impacted by 18,000 more cars a day through 54/74?

          • Wow, Doug. I appreciate the response. Nothing you listed is feasible. I live in the real world. I am for smaller government, and you just described forcible seizure of privately owned land and homes and expansion of law enforcement to regular citizens. Hard pass for me.

        • RE: annoyedvet101 October 18, 2023 at 6:44 pm

          Living in reality probably doesn’t include expecting smaller governments. Governing requirements increase as populations increase. I don’t believe PTC laid out the development of Planterra Ridge. Planterra Ridge residents bought into the development, and continue doing so. I believe in “putting money where my mouth is.” If you want to be special, pay for it.

          If I lived in Planterra Ridge, I would work to make the entire “village” a gated community, with gates at Planterra Way (abutting the Tennis Center), and Kelly Green. This will probably require the City to deed the right of ways to Planterra Ridge HOA and Planterra Ridge will have to absorb the costs to operate and maintain the right of ways (read streets). The City can pay the costs and the HOA can reimburse the City with collected fees. I’m not sure if the City can place a special tax millage to Planterra Ridge property owners, but that is my preference.

          Another option I submit is for Planterra Ridge to persue its own city charter. I will vote to support that.

  4. You are so right, Neil. A council member should be looking out for the good of the city not just for his neighborhood. I wish they could come up with another fix for their roads. Could we not put up cameras or a policeman stationed on their road instead of closing Peachtree City roads to the public that the citizens have paid for. I feel strongly that this move of putting up a gate to block the public is illegal. What do you think?