Otto and Yarde: 2 great candidates for Fayette Board of Education


November 2021 elections gave us dramatic changes on school boards across the country. Parents “schooled” elected board members about who is responsible for raising their children.

Whose children are they?

They are not the child of the teacher, administrator, or school board, especially when they have different morals, ethics and ideologies than the parents.

They are not the child of the teachers unions who acted in their own interest to keep schools closed to the detriment of students.

They are not the children of the CDC who ignored “the science” data about minimal Covid deaths in children under 18, but statistically significant high rates of vaccine injuries and death. The CDC worked with teachers unions to slow the return to in-person classes and mandate masks when data showed masks are ineffective.

They are not the children of the federal or state governments who pushed a political agenda with no regard to student academic, social or athletic performance. Follow “the science” became their mantra. Too bad they didn’t follow it.

Covid taught parents to reassert their rights as parents. The silent majority is no longer silent.

Many parents realized the sound basic education they expected had been replaced by an ideology too far to the left for parents to accept. Extended Covid distance learning revealed things beyond what the teachers, administrators and school boards anticipated. The silent majority is silent no more.

Many parents pulled their children from public schools, but many cannot.

In the two Covid years, were Fayette County parents spared what the rest of the country suffered? Maybe not. In the last year, I’ve attended almost every monthly Fayette County School Board meeting. I speak about issues and policies as I struggle to make them obey the law and their policies.

Witnessing the final phase of the Booth Middle School debacle, I realize we may need changes on the Fayette County school board. If you agree, you’re in luck, depending on your District.

There are two candidates with good values, background, motivation and energy to make changes to benefit students and parents.

In District 2, Alyson Otto is running in the primary against incumbent Roy Raybold. Alyson often makes public comments at school board meetings, trying to get them to do what’s best for the children. She refers to herself as a “Mama Bear” fighting for her kids to get the best education. She’s aware of issues parents face when they have a special needs child, because she’s the mother of a special needs child.

A school board member does not have to be a retired school administrator, or a retired teacher. Those are not desirable traits at all. The Fayette County School Superintendent is already on the board to oversee the interest of the school. We need board members who bring a different set of qualifications to the table. Alyson does that.

Alyson and her husband operate a small business. She’s a protective mother willing to do the research and work to stay abreast of all the issues. She’ll work hard to be a good representative for parents with kids in school. Alyson refers to herself as “Alyson with a Why” which tells you she’s inquisitive and has a sense of humor. She lives in Greater Fayette County, in the heart of District 2. Alyson has good moral character, ethics and values. She wants parents to have a bigger voice in decisions made by the Fayette County Board of Education. Check her website:

In District 4, the incumbent is not running for reelection. We have another great candidate, Dr. William Yarde. District 4 has a history of struggling to elect a minority to represent them. In this election they have a chance to elect an excellent man onto the school board.

The bonus is that Dr. Yarde is not just a gifted neurosurgeon in Fayetteville, he’s also a minority. I don’t want you to elect him because he’s a minority. I want you to elect him because he’s the right man for the board.

He’s been a Fayette County resident since 1997. He’s a veteran of the Army and the Navy. He served in Afghanistan as well as around the world. He says, “Should I be given the opportunity to serve the county as a Board of Education member, my decisions will always be driven by the first and foremost question, ‘What’s in the best interest of the Fayette County community, students, teachers, parents, and the welfare of the school system?” Read more at: and consider voting for this very fine man to be on the Fayette County Board of Education from District 4.

The Fayette County School Board should be the voice of the electorate as they do the business of the board. Members should vote they way you would if you were sitting there making the decision.

Alyson Otto and Dr. William Yarde know whose children they are.

They are your children.

They will strive for the best academic education, policies and procedures for your children.

Please elect them as your next District 2 and District 4 School Board Members.

Thank you.

Suzanne Brown

Peachtree City, Ga.


  1. Appreciate you passing along the linked-info on two of the candidates of your choice (Ms. Brown) that are running for the Fayette Board of Education. I encourage everyone that is voting this cycle to read up on each and every candidate’s specific qualifications and their personal platform. The one candidate’s reference above to being a “Mama Bear” was most telling, prior to even reading her platform and personal agenda.