McIntosh girl punches out another girl in school parking lot; Booth Middle School kid beats up another student


Altercations between students at school are not uncommon. Less common is when a student is arrested and charged with battery.

The School Resource Officer at McIntosh High School in Peachtree City on Nov. 15 was flagged down by a parent who observed a female student with dark hair punch another female student in the face after school in the parking lot, according to police reports.

“The complainant told me the female student who was punched did not engage in fighting the student who punched her,” the police report said. “I was able to identify all parties involved and the offender was brought to the office.”

A photo of the offender’s hand was taken and uploaded to, the report added.

The blow to the face of the girl who was struck resulted in splitting her lip, said Peachtree City Police Department spokesman Chris Hyatt.

The 17-year-old female student was subsequently charged with battery, according to Fayette County Jail records.

Another school altercation occurred on Nov. 16. This time at Booth Middle School.

Police reports said a child intentionally caused physical harm by punching another student multiple times on his head and arms.

Also in Peachtree City, an employee at the Pit Stop store on Ga. Highway 74 South was charged Nov. 17 with theft by taking.

Police reports said officers viewed video footage showing 21-year-old Rayford Broomfield pocketing money from a register. Broomfield was charged after he admitted taking the money.

In unincorporated Fayette County, a cargo trailer was reported stolen from a construction company on Marksmen Court off Ga. Highway 85 North.

Sheriff Barry Babb said the Nov. 15 report at Carlino Construction noted that a 7×16-foot enclosed cargo trailer owned by the company had been stolen from the parking lot.

Babb said the trailer contained miscellaneous tools. 


  1. perhaps these children should not be allowed peachtree citizen ship by birth…. we wouldn’t want anchor parents from other neighborhoods sending in their not so good children, intermingling with ours. they might be indoctrinated with ideas and norms, and before we know it the sidewalks will be covered in hideous sidewalk chalk, BTS will be blasted from ipods and lawlessness will run rampant.

  2. Kids’ are going to fight because they don’t have the emotional tools to handle conflict. Schools are supposed to educate children, and part of that education should include de-escalation and conflict resolution. If parents want to pursue civil or criminal charges, that should be done outside of the school.

    The school to prison pipeline which once was a feature (not a bug) of inner city schools has now come to the suburbs.

    • To expand on your last line.
      We are now getting many kids from other places in rental homes, there are not as many being raised in PTC…they were raised in urban schools and this is one result.
      Some will call me names or worse…but I speak the truth.

      • Yes – It’s always the “outsider” who poisons our perfect community. One never encounters a white, second generation Peachtree City resident engaging in pugilism at our schools. Why engage in introspection or deal with complexity when scapegoating is so alluringly available?

        The remedy is elegantly simple: A high border wall (paid for by those nefarious Atlantans) and denial of residence to any non-natives.