Peeples students practice with polymers


A curious mind is a healthy mind, and the Peeples Elementary Rockets are always hungry to learn. Shaylen Dixon’s 3rd grade enrichment students experimented with water and pencils and learned a lot about the power of polymers in the process.

They studied polymers and had their minds blown over how water can actually stay in a plastic bag once it is punctured. They worked on making predictions, reevaluating their thoughts, and putting into words all the things they still wonder.

“The kids learned about perseverance, how to not give up if an experiment doesn’t work the first time….or even the fifth time,” said Dixon. “My heart is for the kids to gain curiosity in school. I want for them to learn perseverance, not right answers. I want them to be thinkers, not pleasers. My hope is that they would learn to wonder, pursue answers, and step outside of their comfort zone.”

Peeples Elem. enrichment 3rd graders experimented with polymers and how they can keep water in a punctured bag.