Fayetteville police get safety grant from state


A grant received by the Fayetteville Police Department will be used to enhance a variety of local law enforcement efforts.

The department received a grant totaling $52,594 from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS), based on its partnership with GOHS in helping to reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities across Georgia.

“The Fayetteville Police Department is proud of its continued partnership with the Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety,” said Police Chief Scott Gray. “Through this grant, officers will have the resources needed to promote the well-being of motorists traveling on the roadways of Fayetteville. Our ultimate goal is to enhance highway safety by reducing the number of collisions, speeding motorists, distracted drivers and impaired drivers within our community.”

In partnership with the state’s Operation Zero Tolerance, DUI and Click It or Ticket seatbelt campaigns, the Fayetteville Police Department will also conduct mobilizations throughout the year in coordination with GOHS’s year-round waves of high visibility patrols, multi-jurisdictional sobriety checkpoints, said Gray.

“The loss of one life on our roads is one too many, and the fact almost all fatal traffic crashes can be prevented is one reason why we are awarding this grant,” said Governor’s Office of Highway Safety Director Allen Poole.  “The target of zero traffic deaths in our nation is achievable, and we will continue to help develop and implement educational messages and enforcement campaigns aimed at bringing our state one step closer to that goal.”

The grant will continue through September of 2021.