Fayetteville police bring happy surprises to Cleveland Elementary students

Emmerson Perkins, fourth grade, shows off her Spin ‘n Twirl Gymnast Barbie doll set she received from Fayetteville police officers for her positive behavior and actions.
Emmerson Perkins, fourth grade, shows off her Spin ‘n Twirl Gymnast Barbie doll set she received from Fayetteville police officers for her positive behavior and actions.

Fayetteville Police Department’s CARE Unit surprises students with gifts — 

Some outstanding Cleveland Elementary Crocodiles got a special visit from officers of the Fayetteville City Police Department during their second week of school.

The officers, representing the department’s CARE (Community Activity, Resources and Education) unit, were there to recognize a student from each grade level (prekindergarten through fifth), who had demonstrated exemplary behavior, and who are role models for other students at the school. The students were tapped for recognition because they have admirably demonstrated Cleveland’s expectations of being safe, respective and responsible.

Officers asked the school about the interests of each student and presented each one with a personalized gift.

Principal Jeannie Inagawa and school counselor Meshanna Marcus say they are grateful to the officers for taking time out of their day to recognize the students and present them with gifts. Branden Zuke, one of the CARE officers, stated that “The kids deserve it, and we really enjoyed it as well.”

<b>Fayetteville police officers representing their department’s CARE unit presented first grader Caleb Eden with a baseball bat and related equipment for extraordinarily demonstrating the school’s expectations of a Cleveland Crocodile.</b>
Fayetteville police officers representing their department’s CARE unit presented first grader Caleb Eden with a baseball bat and related equipment for extraordinarily demonstrating the school’s expectations of a Cleveland Crocodile.