Don’t worry, we have plenty of beds for you to die in


It seems that Governor Kemp has joined President Trump when it comes to dealing Covid-19. Both have chosen the “wishful thinking” approach to addressing this pandemic instead of following science and common sense.

The reason why Georgia is going in the wrong directions when it comes to the number of positive tests results is not that we are testing more or too much. It’s because more people are testing positive per 100,000.

Fayette County alone has gone from about 150 positive tests per 100,000 to almost 400 since the start of May. All anyone has to do it go to the Georgia Department of Health (DPH) Covid-19 website and check on the positivity rate per county. Not the number of tests, the number of tests that are coming back positive. The last time I checked the rate has reached nine percent state wide and is going up, not down. One is almost tempted to say, it’s the positivity rate, stupid.

I can speak from personal experience that our testing system in Georgia is barely working. When I applied for a testing date on the DPH website, the earliest date I could sign up for was five days off; after I was tested no results were available to me for 12 days. Only after calling and faxing the district health director did I get a call back telling me they still did not have the results. They finally found the result the next day.

I was negative, but a system that takes five days to schedule a test and then takes almost two weeks to produce the results is next to useless in containing or beating a pandemic.

The president and now our governor have decided that they are the experts on how to handle a pandemic. That is like turning over the operation of a nuclear power plant to the folks running the cafeteria at the plant. It is not going to work and we are going to pay for it with an ever increasing death toll and hospitalizations.

Mr. Kemp’s answer to this pandemic seems to be: don’t worry about it, we have plenty of hospital beds for you to die in. I do not think history will judge either of these individuals well.

Peter T. Pearse

Fayetteville, Ga.


  1. Such dribble. Everyone be afraid, be very afraid. Hide out inside as your life’s sand falls through the hourglass. Yes, people will get sick and sadly some will die but mark these words, if Bejing Joe Biden wins the election, the hysteria over COVID will cease within a week as you are forced to take an unproven 50% effective vaccine…with a free Google tracking chip to allow you to enter a store.. It will be great! That annoying horn that goes off when the checkoit clerk forgets to take off the security lock from your new jeans, that will be the sound when all of the noncompliant unvaccinated yahoos walk into the store. I for one can hardly wait, but anyway you will FEEL safe!

  2. @ PTP- Sorry you had such a bad experience. I had no problem getting tested. The appt was easy to make, it was a drive-up situation and there was no one in line and I had my results within 3-4 business days. This was at the end of May. Maybe it is more troublesome now?

    • I can empathize with Peter Pearse on this one. My understanding is that Piedmont Newnan Hospital stopped testing due to lack of supplies, but they continue to require negative test results within 48 hours of outpatient surgery. Detection, isolation, treatment, and prevention of infection appears to be the key to controlling the COVID-19 illnesses and fatalities related to COVID-19. If that seems too difficult, ask someone from ROK. Other than following medical experts’ advice, simple negligence, gross negligence, and willful misconduct characterizes those in Government charged with protecting their citizens.

  3. Mr. Pearse – Surely you don’t doubt Gov. Shotgun and President Alternative Facts. Their wanton disregard for human life puts the lie to any semblance of being “pro-life.” It also displays the hypocrisy of the evangelicals who overwhelmingly support these demigods. Obviously, safeguarding life is at best selective and at worst, merely a cozenage for accumulating power.

    Truth is stranger than fiction.