Elderly required to shelter in place through June 12

Gov.Brian Kemp addresses Georgians April 30.
Gov.Brian Kemp addresses Georgians in file photo.

Gov. Kemp ends shelter in place for most; extends state of emergency into June; says will protect ‘lives and livelihoods’; sets guidance for businesses — 

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp in an address April 30 extended his public health state of emergency through June 12 to ramp up testing and contact tracing for people infected with the coronavirus.

In addition Kemp ordered elderly and medically fragile Georgians to continue staying at home for another month and a half. All other citizens are released from the shelter-in-place order after April 30, but are encouraged to continue staying at home if possible and to maintain social distancing.

“Businesses across the Peach State must continue to operate with strict social distancing and sanitation rules to keep customers and employees safe through May 13,” Kemp said.

Kemp is requiring long-term care facilities “to utilize enhanced infection control protocols, ensure safer living conditions, and protect residents and staff from coronavirus exposure.”

Here’s Gov. Kemp’s statement:

“Tonight [April 30] at 11:59 p.m., the statewide shelter in place order for most Georgians will expire. However, moving forward, I am urging Georgians to continue to stay home whenever possible. I want to thank the people of our great state who heeded public health advice, afforded us time to bolster our healthcare infrastructure, and flattened the curve. We were successful in these efforts, but the fight is far from over.

“In accordance with our executive orders, businesses across the Peach State must continue to operate with strict social distancing and sanitation rules to keep customers and employees safe through May 13, 2020. Those rules vary by business type for a measured, health-driven approach.

“The health and well-being of Georgians are my top priorities, and my decisions are based on data and advice from health officials. I will do what is necessary to protect the lives – and livelihoods – of our people.

“I will formally extend our public health state of emergency through June 12, 2020 to continue enhanced testing across Georgia, ramp up contact tracing, and maintain effective emergency response operations in every region.

“To protect vulnerable populations, I will sign an order today requiring medically fragile and elderly Georgians to continue to shelter in place through June 12, 2020.

In addition, I will order long-term care facilities – including nursing homes, personal care homes, assisted living facilities, and similar community living homes – to utilize enhanced infection control protocols, ensure safer living conditions, and protect residents and staff from coronavirus exposure.

“Together, we will defeat this virus and emerge stronger. Thank you, and God Bless.”


  1. Mini-airshow tomorrow.

    Not sure where else to post this, but the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds are doing a flyover tomorrow Saturday May 2, of Baltimore, Washington DC and Atlanta and it ends about 2PM in Newnan. We should be able to see them twice in PTC between 1:45 and 2PM – probably Drake Field and the boat docks and maybe the park by the airport and the airport itself. Pretty cool.

    Google Blue Angels for the map and a really good video.