Boy Scout Troop 75 stays busy this summer

14 Troop 75 scouts traveled to Minnesota and Canada for a High Adventure camp. Photo/Submitted.
14 Troop 75 scouts traveled to Minnesota and Canada for a High Adventure camp. Photo/Submitted.
Troop 75 of Peachtree City is staying busy this summer.  In keeping with a 25-year-old tradition, the troop sent a contingent of 44 scouts, including 25 from the Moose Patrol (first year scouts), to summer camp at Woodruff Scout Reservation outside Blue Ridge, Georgia.  The troop also had two older scouts working on the staff of the camp. 
Along with camping, hiking, climbing, repelling, and white water rafting, the scouts worked on well over 115 merit badges, including motor-boating, canoeing, rifle shooting, archery, cooking, and many others.  Four Moose from Troop 75 earned the Mile Swim Award.
Still more scouts from Troop 75 attended Camp Thunder at Lawhorn Scout Base in Molena, Georgia.  Completing the Flint River Challenge, having fun and earning more merit badges!  Numerous scouts also volunteered to as leaders for the week long Cub Scout Day Camp.
Finally, the troop trained and sent 14 older scouts to canoe and camp through the forests, rivers and border lakes of Minnesota and Canada at Northern Tier, one of the Boy Scouts of America’s most challenging High Adventure camps.  With this trip, both Elliot Ewen and Lewis Cuello will complete the “triple-crown” of BSA High Adventure after already hiking at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico and scuba-diving at Sea Base in Key West, Florida.  Later this summer, Lewis Cuello will join other scouts from the Flint River Council to attend the World Scout Jamboree at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia. 
If you would like to learn more about Troop 75, visit or come to a meeting in the Scout Lodge at Peachtree City United Methodist Church every Tuesday at 7 PM during the school year. 
These members of Boy Scout Troop 75 earned Mile Swim Awards this summer. Pictured, from left, are Luke Hofrichter, Max Nolen, Jake Harper, and Jack Lynch. Photo/Submitted.
These members of Boy Scout Troop 75 earned Mile Swim Awards this summer. Pictured, from left, are Luke Hofrichter, Max Nolen, Jake Harper, and Jack Lynch. Photo/Submitted.