Cutting the cords on CNN


I’m completely fed up with the press. I’m especially disheartened and ashamed of CNN.

It took me a few months to come to the conclusion I had to make a break with CNN. Like dealing with a “bad” life-partner, it takes a while to accept what’s going on and understand you have to make a decision; do I continue to remain in this relationship or do I cut my losses and get out?

I’m astounded by way CNN is using its status as a trusted, fair and honest news organization to obstruct the opportunity for our new president to be successful. Like him, hate him, whatever, it’s in our collective best interests for him to succeed.

The problem I have is CNN holds itself out to the public as being a trustworthy, honest news network; and for years, I believe CNN was all those things and more. However, over the last election cycle, CNN, along with many other “news” networks have become little more than a sad parody of news. They don’t even report on world news any more.

Did you know Katmandu is still recovering from the earthquakes of years past? Did you know central Italy has been rocked by its own earthquakes? Did you know Brexit is on track? Do you know how refugees in the Mediterranean are being accommodated in Italy, Greece and other places? Do you know who’s leading the English Premiere League? Okay, that one’s not that hard.

In CNN’s world, there seems no room for a differing opinion let alone a philosophy for achieving American greatness that’s in the slightest way different from the socialist agenda that’s been enacted by fiat, by executive order by the Democrats in the executive office for the last four years.

At what point, does it matter to CNN the role of government is to provide for the service and security of the American people? When did American discourse get like that? Remember Reagan and O’Neil, anyone?

Right now, it feels so good to be free! It’s fantastic! Having dumped CNN, I’m free to think without the specter and menace of a huge international and giant organization polluting the so-called news with lies and misdirection.

Where do I go from here? I can’t answer that immediately. I’ll turn to BBC, fully knowing its liberal slant, but also knowing they still feel obligated to cover real world news.

I’ll turn to NPR, knowing it’s ultra-left leanings, but also knowing they’ll occasionally portray the life and times of the truly downtrodden, forgotten and obscure — we must always keep the hope of man alive. I fully believe we can become again “the beacon on hill” we once were.

I’ll stick with FOX on the right, for now and a few others on both sides and constantly in search of finding real “news” that’s unbiased and fair. I’m watching closely and in small doses.

CNN may have disgusted me, but it hasn’t taken away my humanity or my freedom to be optimistic and to love my neighbors. I got away just in time. It feels good and it feels right. Freedom!

Joe Yamamoto
Fayetteville, Ga.