Learn more about FSS


“Get to Know Fayette Senior Services” is scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 6, 10-10:30 a.m. at FSS’ Peachtree City location (McIntosh Place, 191 McIntosh Trail).

Join in these monthly meetings to learn more about Fayette Senior Services’ Life Enrichment Center and social services. This is a great opportunity for those interested in becoming an FSS member to learn more about the benefits of membership. In addition, learn more about the social services offered by our organization and how to take advantage of them if needed. We are here to help you age well and live well.

This program is free but pre-registration is required at 770-461-0813 or email [email protected] (include name, phone number and event title). FSS members and non-members welcome. For more information, visit www.fayss.org.