Dry conditions lead to Coweta burn ban


It is very dry in Coweta County. On a drought index scale of 0 to 800 Coweta is currently at 680. Forecasts are calling for a slim chance of rain at best over the next 16 days.

While a burn ban has not been instituted in Coweta, everyone is being asked not to burn, county staff said. 

Georgia Forestry is not issuing burn permits until the area sees significant rain. This is a temporary restriction due to the drought and fire danger conditions. 

According to Terry Quigley, Chief Ranger 3 with the Georgia Forestry Commission office on Corinth Road, the best thing is for no one to burn period. Under the current status, if someone does burn and Forestry has to suppress a fire that gets out of hand, you will receive a violation and you will have to cover the suppression costs. No exceptions, Qulgiley said.

In another impact caused by the drought conditions, the state has announced that it is implementing Level Two water restrictions, which means Coweta County residents will be limited to two days of outdoor water weekly starting next week.