PTC Seventh-day Adventist church presents checks to local nonprofits


Three local nonprofit agencies were the recipients of checks for $6,000 from the Peachtree City Seventh-day Adventist Church on Saturday, May 21.

The church marked the one year anniversary of its Forward in Faith campaign, and celebrated with a church service focused on its accomplishments over the past year.   

One part of the church’s current Forward in Faith stewardship initiative highlights outreach to the community by financially supporting three local nonprofit agencies — The Real Life Center, Coweta CASA, and Southwest Christian Care.  Representatives from each of these agencies came to this special church service and each was presented with a check in the amount of $6,000.  

Representatives included Mindy Smith from Coweta CASA, Shelley Mann from Southwest Christian Care, and Maria Lee from The Real Life Centers in the local community.

The church’s mission statement is “… to invite our community into a redemptive relationship with Jesus Christ, welcoming people from all walks of life to experience unconditional acceptance with a loving church family.”  

The church’s initiative also includes increasing its volunteering in the community. More than 1,500 hours have been given by church members to these three agencies and other local non-profits over the past year.

The church plans to continue its giving and service to the community as its Forward in Faith initiative rolls into its second year.  

PTCSDA Pastor Nate Elias put it best by saying, “We are trying to re-write our story. Christ made the community around him a better place, and we desire to team with other non-profit organizations to make our community a better place.”

Shown with the check for $6,000 presented to the Real Life Center are (L-R) Pastor Nate Elias, Maria Lee of The Real Life Center, Brian Cummings, and Bob Hale. Photo/Special.