Tyrone OKs subdivision


A proposal to rezone 58 acres on Farr Road off Dogwood Trail for a 20-home subdivision was unanimously approved on March 3 by the Tyrone Town Council.

The proposal asked that the 58.4-acre site at 491 Farr Road be rezoned from AR (agricultural-residential) to R-20 (residential with a 1-acre minimum).

“In the new zoning ordinance R-48 has been renamed R-18, which is minimum 1,800 sq. ft. residential housing. The request has been made for R-20, which requires a minimum of 2,000 sq. ft. for a single-family residential dwelling, so this zoning category would fall in line with the characteristics for this property,” city staff said.

The request was unanimously approved after a discussion and concerns expressed by some neighbors.

Both city staff and the Tyrone Planning Commission previously recommended approval.