FFUMC’s Titus II announces January, February activities


All seniors (55-plus) are invited to Titus II at Fayetteville First United Methodist Church for good food and good fellowship at monthly luncheons. Invite a friend for lunch and make reservations by calling Martha Turner at 770-461-2802 by noon on Thursday before the lunch. Cost: $6.

On Tuesday, Jan. 5, Chef Nancy will help start the new year right with ideas for healthy food choices that won’t wreck a limited budget. The menu will include vegetable soup, cornbread, salad, and dessert.

On Tuesday, Feb. 2, John Wesley will return to Titus II. FFUMC’S very own Don Germano will help to know and better understand the founder of Methodism through this special presentation. Crunchy chicken will be the lunch entrée.