Join bone marrow registry tonight at PTC Presbyterian


The First Presbyterian Church in Peachtree City is hosting a marrow donor registry drive on Wednesday, Dec 9, from 6 -7:30 p.m. at the church on Willow Bend Road.  

“If you are between the ages of 18-44, a short paperwork, a cheek swab, and 15 minutes of your time is all it takes to be on the marrow registry and save a life if you are a match,” a spokesperson said.  “Jim Stroup, a long-time member of First Presbyterian was busy enjoying his life as a full time banker and accomplished race walker when he was diagnosed with lymphoma in early June 2015. Fortunately for Jim, a perfectly matched unrelated donor was found on the Be The Match Registry. Your quick test this evening could be a match for someone that a bone marrow transplant is their only hope for life.”  

Donors with diverse ancestry are especially needed because they are most likely to match someone who shares their heritage.

Only one out of every 540 people on the registry is ever called to donate.

For more information, visit .