Councilman Oddo’s wife seeks F’ville post


An old maxim says that politics makes strange bedfellows. In Fayetteville, the bedfellows would be no strangers if a write-in campaign for a city council post is successful.

Nohemi Oddo, Councilman Paul Oddo’s wife, qualified as a write-in candidate for the Post I seat currently occupied by Ed Johnson. Johnson chose to run against Mayor Greg Clifton. When the official qualifying had ended, only Harlan Shirley qualified for Johnson’s post. Write in qualifying ended last Thursday at 4:30 p.m. and Oddo’s wife made the deadline. City officials confirmed with the city’s attorney that spouses are allowed to serve together on the council.

Still, she faces an uphill battle to get elected, since she will not appear on the official ballot, confirmed county elections supervisor Tom Sawyer.