Peachtree City Fire Rescue will be hosting its inaugural Citizen’s Fire Academy beginning Sept 2. The classes will be held each Tuesday and Thursday evening for five weeks concluding on Oct. 2. The classes will begin at 6 p.m. and last until at 9 p.m.
This will be a highly informative and interesting learning experience. The Citizen Fire Academy will offer participants opportunities such as to experience what it’s like to enter a zero visibility environment to search for possible victims while wearing full protective clothing. Learning how to pump a fire apparatus and handle a fire hose and acquire valuable fire safety and life saving skills that will benefit them at home and in the community.
Prospective applicants must be at least 18 years of age. Applicants will be required to sign a Hold Harmless Agreement and will be subject to a criminal history and driver’s license background check as a pre-condition to acceptance into the academy.
There is no charge to attend this academy; however, the class size will be limited.
More information about the Citizen’s Fire Academy can be obtained by visiting, The City of Peachtree City’s web site or The Peachtree City Volunteer Firefighters Associations Web site www.pcfd.cpm or by calling 770-631-2526.
Applications are available online, or may be obtained from the Fire Department.
Application deadline is Aug. 22.
Please contact Chief Murphy or Fire Training Officer Mundy For further information at 770-631-2572.