PTC’s Tina Cannon is becoming a legend in nation’s barbecue circles


Long time Peachtree City resident Tina “Hirsch” Cannon has taken the BBQ World by storm.  Competing with her husband Bobby as The Pit Crew BBQ Team, they have travelled and competed throughout the southeast region in several different divisions and meat categories. They have captured regional titles, won thousands of dollars in prize money and have collected over 50 awards and trophies in just four short years.

Tina’s culinary talents and her fiery personality have made her a fan favorite where ever she competes.  She cooked with a team at the 2013 World Food Championship which placed fifth in ribs. 
Tina’s most recent accomplishment was winning the Georgia regional “American Grilled” competition on The Travel Channel.  On the show, she competed against three male cooks and took home the $10,000 first prize claiming the title Grill Master of Georgia.  The showed aired July 30 on the Travel Channel and can be seen later this month on The Food Network.   

She is a classically trained chef who has tasted and created dishes from all over the world. She has chosen to return to her roots, Southern BBQ. 

Tina brings a “Girls can Grill” attitude to the male dominated bbq competition circuit using spice, style and sparks on her grill. 

Besides BBQ, Tina is an avid gardener, blogs at, loves to entertain and spend time with her family and friends.