New York City for a Southern girl


I am so sleep deprived right now I can barely think. In the last five days, I have been to the Empire State Building, Ground Zero, Times Square, Dallas BBQ, HB Burger, Central Park, Statin Island, Manhattan Island, China Town, the Guggenheim Museum, Grand Central Station, Ripley Grier Studios Broadway Workshop, and on a New York City tour.

I watched “Phantom of the Opera” at the Majestic Theater. I was on “Good Morning America” with the rest of the FMS Fine Arts people.

I even sang at the Apollo and was named Apollo Ambassador Billy Mitchell’s honorable youngest daughter.

Me and all of my fellow choral, orchestra, and band members want to say a great big thank you to all of the chaperones and especially to Ms. Gividen (choral director), Mr. Johnson (band director), and Mr. Kufchak (orchestra director) for not only giving us the chance to go but making sure we had a BLAST!

Earlier last week I went to the Board of Education meeting and met the new principal at Bennett’s Mill , Mr. Byers, and the new Superintendent for Fayette County, Dr. Barrow.

Both men seemed to be very nice and caring. If I wasn’t so tired right now, I would probably write a lot more because I really did like both of them.

However, I have spent the last 18 hours on a bus and barely know my own name right now.

Remember, the FMS talent show is this Friday at the Southern Ground Amphitheater. We can’t wait!

Black and Gold Forever!

[Samantha Frazier, a FMS seventh-grader, volunteered to write a series of opinion columns for The Citizen about the closing of her school from a student’s viewpoint.]