Sandy Creek HS presents ‘Copacabana’


    Sandy Creek High School’s Choral Department presents Barry Manilow’s stage musical “Copacabana” on April 18-21 at Sandy Creek High School in Tyrone.

    Show times are 7 p.m. on April 18, 19, and 20. A matinee at 2 p.m. will be presented on Sunday, April 21. Tickets may be purchased in advance at the SCHS front office for $7 or at the door for $10.

    “Copacabana,” written by Barry Manilow, Jack Sussman, and Bruce Feldman, is described by MTI International as “a love letter to the Technicolor musicals of the 1940s.”

    The story, based on Manilow’s popular song, “Copacabana,” is told from the point of view of Stephen, an aspiring songwriter who composes a musical set in 1947 and starring Lola Lamarr, a young singer who follows her dreams of stardom and moves to New York City from Tulsa.

    Lola meets Tony, a bartender at the famed “Copacabana” nightclub, who is instantly smitten by Lola’s beauty and talent. Lola is hired as a show girl at the “Copa,” where Tony admires her while attempting to pursue his own dream of performing on stage.

    The story intensifies when club patron and gangster Rico sees Lola dancing on stage and is captivated by her performance. He later kidnaps her and takes her to Havana, Cuba, to star in the show at his night club there.

    Once Tony learns what has happened, he sets off for Cuba to rescue Lola. The plot takes a number of turns from there, eventually turning back to the young songwriter Stephen.

    “Copacabana” is a traditional musical with drama, colorful dance numbers, and the hit music of Barry Manilow. Originally developed as a TV film, the stage musical premiered in Great Britain in 1994 and was later performed in the U.S. The 1985 movie was nominated for two Emmy Awards.

    Sandy Creek’s presentation features Katelynn Dallman as Lola, Jerrell Melton as Stephen/Tony, Jackson Mulhall as Rico, Chisom Awachie as Conchita, Tyler Spezzano as Sam, and Korin Blake-Chung as Gladys, all supported by a talented student ensemble.

    The SCHS Jazz Ensemble will perform the music live, with Band Director Brian Gunter and Assistant Band Director John Kelley performing with the students.

    The production is co-directed by SCHS Chorus Director Craig Robertson and Dr. Kelly Jackson of Crabapple Elementary School. Ms. Olivia Jenkins of Kennesaw State University is choreographer.

    SCHS invites the community to come and enjoy an entertaining night of musical theater presented by the students of Sandy Creek High School.