Holy Trinity Knights of Columbus will sponsor golf tournament April 20


The Knights of Columbus Council 8081 at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Peachtree City will sponsor the Community Charity Golf Classic Saturday, April 20, at the Orchard Hills Golf Course at Ga. Hwy. 16, I-85 in Newnan.

Entrance fee is $80 per golfer.

All proceeds go to local charities including but not limited to Fayette Care Clinic, The Pregnancy Resource Center, The Hapeville Crisis Pregnancy Center, St. Vincent de Paul, food, clothing, etc.

Practice opens at 7 a.m., registration starts at 7:30, load carts at 8:45 a.m. with a shotgun start at 9 a.m. Lunch and awards at 2 p.m.

There will be prizes for first, second and third place low net score winners. Other prizes will be awarded for longest drive and closest to the pin.

Companies or individual hole(s) sponsors are available for Platinum ($150), Gold ($100), Silver ($75), and Tin ($50). Company logos and names will be allowed at the sponsored holes. Names will also be published in the luncheon and event flyers. Local businesses, individuals and local restaurants are invited to submit certificates for door prizes. All donor names and donations will be published and supported by over 300 local Knights.

For info and registration contact Steve Bruning, 770-487-3991 or [email protected]