Two interim pastors welcomed at PTC First Presbyterian


First Presbyterian Church of Peachtree City welcomes the Rev. Joan Gray and the Rev. Stephen Kolderup to the pulpit as interim pastors, replacing Dr. David Miller who is retiring following 33 years of ministry with the Presbyterian Church USA.

Gray was born at Fort Benning and grew up in the Aiken, S.C. – Augusta area. She attended Presbyterian College where she met her husband Bill Gray, a cradle Presbyterian. Joan graduated from Columbia Seminary, and was ordained as a minister in 1978, the first woman to serve as pastor of a congregation in Atlanta Presbytery. She has served ten congregations in the Atlanta area as pastor, associate pastor, parish associate, and interim pastor. Gray served as moderator for the 217th Presbyterian Church USA General Assembly 2006 – 2008.

She says her passion is “helping people know God better, be fully surrendered to God’s will, and participate in God’s mission in the world.” She says she believes that prayer is the most powerful force in the world.

The Rev. Stephen Kolderup has 33 years of pastoral leadership experience and is a member of the Greater Atlanta Presbytery. He has extensive service as an interim pastor, both as head of staff and as an associate, and has completed Presbyterian training for interim ministers. He has worked with seven different congregations as an interim including senior associate pastor at Trinity Presbyterian Church and head of staff at Druid Hills Presbyterian Church. He has broad experience with all aspects of a church’s operation.

He holds a B.A. from Gettysburg College and a master of divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary. Kolderup’s wife, Janice Hiland, recently retired from the CDC, and they have two grown sons.

Originally from Pennsylvania, Kolderup says he has “taken” to Atlanta and is a big Braves fan (except when they play the Phillies) and has a passion for singing.

Gray will preside over the Easter Celebration Service to be held at First Presbyterian Church on Easter Sunday, March 31, at 11 a.m. The service will be preceded by an Easter Brunch served between 10 and 10:45 am. Child care (years 5 and under) will be provided. For information call the church office, 770 487-7757.