Southern Crescent Chorale in concert Saturday at Flat Creek Baptist


The Southern Crescent Chorale under the direction of Janice Folsom is proud to present the ninth annual Benefit Concert on Saturday, March 23 at 7 p.m. at the Flat Creek Baptist Church.

The concert will benefit Camp Southern Ground and is sponsored by Coweta-Fayette Trust. The McIntosh High and East Coweta High choirs will join the SCC for an evening of outstanding choral music.

John Rutter’s Magnificat will be performed accompanied by orchestra.World renowned soprano, Elizabeth Claxton, will be the guest soloist. The McIntosh Choir under the direction of Hannah Beth Potter and the East Coweta Choir under the direction of Christy Hauert are both outstanding ensembles and the Southern Crescent Chorale will be honored to share the stage with them for this occasion.

Jean Peck, Executive Director of Camp Southern Ground, will briefly speak about the work of the organization and all audience members will have the opportunity to make a donation at the event.

The SCC has raised over $29,000 for worthy recipients such as the Atlanta Boys and Girls Club, the Georgia Baptist Children’s Home, the Southwest Christian Care “Hope House” Respite Center, the Joseph Sams School, The Fayette Youth Protection Home, the Children’s Village at Christian City, Rainbow House, Inc, and Promise Place. SCC is proud to continue this tradition of using our talents to give back to the community.

For more information visit or 770-716-1231.