Religion Briefs 03/13/13


Mental health ministry to hold meeting
There is Hope Ministries, a new interdenominational Christian ministry for families of people with mental illness, will have a kick off informational meeting March 14, at 7 p.m. using Prince of Peace Lutheran Church facilities in Fayetteville.  The meeting is open to all who want  to learn about this new ministry. For more info, visit Prince of Peace is at 257 Ga. Hwy. 314, Fayetteville.

Fish fry continues at St. Gabriel’s
St. Gabriel Catholic ChurchCouncil 11458 continues its Annual Lenten Fish Fry for the next two  Fridays, March 15 and 22. The first plate will be served at 5:30 p.m. and will consist of tilapia, baked and fried options. All adult meals are $8 per plate. All child’s meals are $5 per plate All family meals are capped at $32 per family -— 2 adult and 4 child plates. Additional servings will be at the per plate price. The church is at 152 Antioch Rd Fayetteville. For more infomation, call the church office, 770-461-0492, or Chris, 770-277-8807.

Shekinah Glory Fellowship plans brunch
All ladies age 16 and up are invited to attend God’s J.E.W.E.L.S. “Women on the Move” Empowerment Brunch on Saturday, March 16, at 10 a.m. at Frank’s at the Old Mill restaurant, 1095 Ga. Hwy 54 West  in Fayetteville. The price for the brunch is $15 per person God’s J.E.W.E.L.S.  is an outreach ministry of Shekinah Glory Fellowship Center. For more information, call 770-227-7788 or [email protected].

COS will host egg hunt this Sunday in Tyrone
Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church will host an Easter Egg Hunt on its new property at 411 Palmetto Road in Tyrone on March 17. The event begins with worship at 10 a.m., then offers egg hunts and crafts for children at three age levels. A potluck lunch concludes the day. All are invited. For information, call Candace Robichaux at 770-487-8717, or send an email to [email protected]

Jeff Anderson concert planned at Vineyard
The Senoia Vineyard will host a Jeff Anderson benefit concert on March 20 at 7 p.m. to help support a student mission trip to Costa Rica. Anderson is a Grammy nominated United recording artist and is currently on The Voice. The concert is free but the church requests donations for the mission trip. The Chicago Eatery will prepare hot dogs from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. to help support mission as well. The concert will be held at The Hill, 2450 Ga. Hwy. 85 in Senoia.

Holy Trinity’s health fair is this Saturday
On March 16, from 8 a.m. until noon, Holy Trinity Catholic Church will once again celebrate the annual “Dia de la Familia” Health Fair.  Medical personnel will provide breast cancer screening, testing for cholesterol and diabetes, HIV, and much more.  Also, representatives from different entities such as Head Start, United Way and many others will provide information on free services they offer. Those who plan on having blood work are asked to come on a completely empty stomach. Holy Trinity is at 101 Walt Banks Road, Peachtree City. For more information call 770-487-5352.

FPC seeks cancer support volunteers
Fayette Presbyterian Church will host a “CanCare” Discovery meeting on Sunday, March 17, from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m., for cancer survivors and caregivers who would like to help others newly diagnosed with cancer. This meeting will answer questions on how to become involved as a volunteer. RSVP to Sara Reams, 770-716-8083 or [email protected]. Fayette Presbyterian Church is at 791 Forest Ave., (Ga. Hwy. 92 North) in Fayetteville.

Orthodox Easter events announced
St. Christopher Hellenic Orthodox Church, 313 Dividend Drive, Peachtree City, will celebrate a full schedule of Lenten services in preparation for Eastern Orthodox Easter which takes place on Sunday, May 5.  Great Lent begins March 18. For schedule, visit  or contact the Very Rev. Fr. George Tsahakis , 770-381-1842.

Inman UMC to host Easter Egg Hunt
The Children’s Ministries of Inman United Methodist Church, 151 Hills Bridge Road, just off Ga. Highway 92 South in Fayetteville, is hosting a free Easter Egg Hunt March 23 from 2 to 4 p.m. Children should bring their Easter baskets.  All  children and their families in the community are invited.  For additional information or directions, call the church office, 770 461-2123.

Providence to offer Beth Moore study
Beginning March 24 for 6 weeks, Providence United Methodist Church will present Beth Moore’s  “scenic bus tour” of a journey of a lifetime through the study of Deuteronomy, “The Law of Love.”  All ladies are invited to participate starting Sunday, March 24, from  5-7 p.m. in room 107 at Providence UMC. To sign up, email Lynne Scott at [email protected].  Confirmation will be sent with information about purchasing a listening guide. Class does not meet March 31, Easter Sunday.  For questions and info, contact Leslie Lunsford at [email protected] or 770-719-8800. Providence UMC is in southern Fayette County at 592 Bernhard Road between Redwine Road and Ga. Hwy 85. Visit the website at   

Special ‘children’s church’ set for Easter
 The children’s ministry of McDonough Road Baptist Church will offer a special Easter Sunday “Children’s Church” for children in Kindergarten-5th grade. The service will feature worship activities and a message geared just for children  and begins at 10:55 a.m. Call 770-460-5423 for more information.