Morning and afternoon Body Recall classes offered at FFUMC


Fayetteville First United Methodist Church offers Body Recall classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings in the fellowship hall at 10:30 a.m. and on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 4 p.m. Classes meet in 10-week sessions. The next session begins January 7. Cost is $50 per session or $2 per class.

Body Recall is an exercise and education program. Benefits include improved flexibility, better balance, increased strength, improved circulation and more energy and confidence. The movements aid in circulation to all parts of the body and provide increased awareness of how the body functions.

Movements are specifically developed to minimize risk, discomfort and injury. This approach has proven extremely effective for men and women of all ages and physical abilities.

For additional information or to register for either class, call the church office at 770-461-4313. Classes are taught by certified instructors.

Fayetteville First United Methodist Church is at 175 East Lanier Ave., Fayetteville, and the church office number is 770-461-4313.

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